Losing sleep due to heat is a total nightmare. Here are a few tips on how to stay cool when sleeping. 

Choose the Right Comforter

Comforters may provide coziness to a bed but they can also add heat. Down and cotton are great for the winter but not so much for hot summer nights. If you’re a hot sleeper or live in a hot area this may be a recurring nightmare.

Choosing a naturally cooling and breathable fabric, such as bamboo, is the way to go. Bamboo fiber is naturally cooling due to the micro gaps that allow airflow and absorb moisture. Our Breezy Bamboo Comforter is made to feel substantial while keeping your body temperature regulated. 

Keep the Heat Out

Did you know that up to 30% of the heat from outside enters your home through your windows? Keeping blinds and curtains drawn during the day may reduce the temperature by up to 20 degrees, this will help your bed be cooler once you're ready to sleep. An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure.

Unplug Electronics

The amount of heat generated by equipment in your home may surprise you. Take a closer look around your home and unplug anything that is unnecessary such as: toasters, chargers, and computers. Keep in mind that switching off electronics still generates heat so be sure to unplug them. 

Also, plan your tasks and use appliances like irons until after the sun has set. Limiting your usage of gadgets can not only keep your house cool in the summer, but it will also save you money on electricity. 

Switch to LED'S

Switching to a more energy-efficient bulb will cool your room while also lowering your energy expenses. An LED converts 90% of the energy it draws into heat, whereas an incandescent produces 90% of its energy as heat. If you're using incandescents, turn them off hours before bedtime for a cooler room.

Any appliance that utilizes electricity generates heat, all sorts of bulbs do as well. LED lights, on the other hand, use significantly less energy and hence produce far less heat. 

Avoid Eating Late

Believe it or not, eating late can cause a rise in your core body temperature by about 2 °F. It may not seem like much, but even a slight increase in temperature can have an impact on your sleep.

To keep your metabolism from working excessively, eat a bit early and pick a lighter meal.

It takes 2-3 hours for a normal person to digest all their food. Therefore, it is recommended to stop eating about three hours before going to bed. That will allow plenty of time for your food to be digested so it won't disrupt your sleep.

Alejandra Rodriguez